

Step 1 
Shallow pan with bulkhead that drips into the next pan. Potted plants for modularity. First attempted rocky grow-bed, but found it too inflexible. 

 Plants: Cattail, Mad dog skullcap, Tule, a shrubby willow.

Step 2
Another shallow pan grow bed. 
Plants: Panther lily, cattail, tule, cottongrass

Step 3
Connected via repurposed leaky garden hose. 175 gal hard plastic pond liner (above ground)

Plants: Wapato, Cranberry, Wasabi, mountain arnica, swordleaf rush, buckbean

 Step 4
Repurposed 75 gal plastic stock tank with an overflow bulkhead. The overflow is used to water fruit trees or filling a watering can for garden spot watering. 
Plants: Labrador tea, mad dog skullcap, panther lily, yerba mansa, tule, cattail